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Manlius, NY zip code area info and deals

Information on zip code 13104 - Manlius, NY. Deals, Wikipedia, area officials, area schools, and more!

manlius, deals, education, shopping, information, village, located, location, state, united, county, onondaga, total, population, density, syracuse, census, places, fayetteville, minoa, history, elementary, middle, school, private, communities, former, central, dewitt, mycenae, national, register, historic, creek, pompey, south, north, bureau, square, miles, route, northwest, families, average, american, living, years, household, median, females, males, income, district, formerly, pebble, center, hamlet, fremont, library, member, office, senator, retrieved, skaneateles, spafford, building, code area, town manlius, manlius village, village manlius, town onondaga, onondaga county, york united, east town, town line, west town, states census, census bureau, york state, state route, median income, fayetteville manlius, central school, school district, east syracuse, manlius school, hamlet west, south minoa, hamlet east, hamlet north, bureau retrieved, office building, town onondaga county, york united states, east town line, united states census, states census bureau, york state route, central school district, fayetteville manlius school, west town line, hamlet west town, census bureau retrieved

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