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Tattoo Designs & Art :: Tattoodles Massive Gallery of Tattoos & Pictures

Tattoo designs and photos of the most beautiful tattoos from famous tattoo artists around the world. DOWNLOAD THOUSANDS OF TATTOOS! A Brief History of Tattoos and Tattooing Tattoos are widely considered mankind's oldest form of cultural expression. Early tattooing as it is done today is performed by inserting inert pigment in to the skin to create a desired image. The motivations for receiving a tattoo vary greatly through cultural and individual morays and boundaries. Tattooing can be done for religious ceremonies or as a coming of age ritual. Tribes both ancient and contemporary would create tribal tattoo patterns signifying one's place in society through specific tattoo imagery and tattoo designs. The ancient Japanese were the first human culture to explore elaborate, artistic tattooing where detailed images within their tattoos illustrated tales from their folklore. Colourful full body tattoos read like a story within Japanese tattoos. Dragon tattoos, koi fish tattoos and other iconic power animals like tiger tattoos and demon tattoos placed images on human skin when the intricate and robust robes of Japanese aristocracy became illegal to wear in ancient, feudal Japan. Tattooing has always had connection to the spirit world by way of cultural ceremony marking your flesh in memory of the dead or used as a ritual of significance. Although modern tattooing is mostly seen as a celebration of art and personal expression, the method of applying a tattoo is still based in the ancient technique of inserting pigment in to flesh, bonding the experience of getting tattooed to the ancient rituals. Of course, getting a tattoo means confronting personal feelings and fears of permanence and discomfort, almost a self imposed coming of age ritual or a self created ritual of overcoming one's fear. For many, this excitement is a very important process of getting a tattoo. Tattoos hold a negative stigma throughout our world's culture. Tattoos are associated with social misfits, devia

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