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Shannon Packaging - Flexible Packaging Solutions (bags, pouches, tubing, roll stock) for the Electronics, Food, Military, Pharmaceutical Industries

Shannon Packaging, a flexible packaging converter of tubing, roll stock, bags, and pouches offers barrier protection for the military, industrial, food, beverage, electronic, pharmaceutical, medical, and personal care industries produced with mil-spec, electrostatic, co-extruded (coex), laminated, printed, FDA approved, foil, metallized, clear, and kraft materials anc that include re-closable zipper, hang hole, tear notch, 2-seal, 3-seal, stand-up pouch or tamper-evident configurations.

shannon, packaging, flexible, pouches, tubing, stock, military, pharmaceutical, industries, barrier, industrial, electronic, electrostatic, printed, approved, metallized, clear, kraft, zipper, notch, stand, pouch, specs, vacuum, polyester, cores, gusset, rotogravure, printing, flexo, ludlow, material, static, shielding, converting, flexible packaging, bags pouches, tubing roll, roll stock, tear notch, mill specs, stand pouches, metallized polyester, polyester kraft, kraft bags, bags electrostatic, bags roll, printed bags, bags zipper, notch gusset, flexo printing, packaging flexible packaging, tubing roll stock, mill specs vacuum, metallized polyester kraft, polyester kraft bags, bags roll stock, printed bags zipper, tear notch gusset, printing flexo printing

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