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Welcome to Secret Physique Studio

Secret Physique Method is a mind-body workout combining ballet, Pilates, and weight training. The method has an intense pace with no-impact, while burning fat and increasing stamina. By having no-impact it is designed to act therapeutically by strengthening the muscles around the joints that are especially vulnerable like the knees and shoulders. Our method is similar to the decades-old proven exercise, The Lotte Berk Method. Our full body work out is composed of strengthening exercises focused on alignment to intensify each movement, immediately followed by stretching. The strength work combines holding positions that use the body s own weight with small, concentrated movements that are worked to exhaustion. Stretching is performed after each exercise which is what changes the shape of the muscle to give you a long, lean dancer´s body. The class begins with working the upper body with free weights, and then moves to the bar to work the legs intensely, followed by abdominal work, and finished on mats for more core work, seat exercises and stretching. All while listening to the perfect music to get you feeling exactly how you should at each moment!

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