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Schoolgirls and Mobilesuits

Neither a convention nor a conference, SGMS has developed over time a casual and intimate interaction between audience members and speakers. The session combines the fun of cosplay, Otaku bazaars, fashion shows and anime screenings with the presentation and discussion of academic papers and the demonstration of artistic techniques, resulting in freewheeling discussions between guests and participants.

schoolgirls, mobilesuits, anniversary, september, college, years, first, event, manga, anime, students, japanese, popular, culture, fashion, music, talks, hairston, crispin, freeman, christopher, bolton, gilles, poitras, creation, samantha, watch, special, guest, schedule, films, really, characters, porco, rosso, miyazaki, going, haven, amazing, opportunity, created, school, especially, blasphemina, fiction, designers, wants, several, shows, three, shojo, magazine, remember, super, books, japan, watching, recently, called, little, something, light, thing, serious, summer, right, movie, coming, speaker, presentation, interesting, happy, otaku, everyone, genshiken, series, course, reading, people, think, comic, animation, flickr, check, facebook, updates, sweet, there, pokemon, interest, secret, phoenix, wright, played, field, literature, science, mechademia, excited, university, francisco, conventions, taught, registration, nujabes, mythology, register, video, space, bazaar, fashion show, marc hairston, speaker year, anime manga, otaku bazaar

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