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Integral Research

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research, field, paradigm, medical, imaging, safer, accurate, faster, spect, murali, subbarao, electrical, computer, engineering, fieldparadigmcom, theoretical, computational, technology, public, business, simulation, experiments, format, simulated, soundness, practical, provided, click, source, claims, apparatus, single, photon, emission, computed, tomography, patent, download, image, magnetic, resonance, application, pending, methods, apparatuses, magnetoencephalography, magnetocardiography, density, microscopy, based, diffusion, optical, advantages, safety, diagnosis, patient, manufacturers, devices, accuracy, solution, cannot, inventor, principle, modalities, useful, information, exploited, overlooked, volume, space, spatial, different, directions, theory, efficient, available, reconstruction, forward, process, possible, speed, ultra, approach, current, projection, collimation, gamma, radiation, dosage, frequency, phase, encoding, brain, improvements, localized, industry, presentation, slides, machine, vision, inverse, digital, higher, resolution, scanning, detected, prototypes, conference, stony, brook, university, transforms, shift, variant, deblurring, murali fieldparadigmcom, computer simulation, paradigm technology, computer simulated, theoretical soundness, format file, field image, tomography magnetic, resonance imaging, patent application, application date, date pending, magnetic density, density imaging, optical tomography, accurate diagnosis, patent applications, overlooked information, image reconstruction, source density, inverse imaging, field spect, higher spatial, scanning time, image principle, variant image, image deblurring, computer simulation experiments, field paradigm technology, tomography magnetic resonance, magnetic resonance imaging, patent application date, application date pending, magnetic density imaging, diffusion optical tomography, field image principle, shift variant image, variant image deblurring

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