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photography expert witness - (photography experts) - photography copyright specialists,experts witnesses and forensic consultants.

Photography is the process of making pictures by means of the action of light, typically using a camera, either using traditional (film and chemical) or digital processes. Photographs are also called "images," "photos" or "pictures." Copyright law establishes that photographs are intellectual property, and provides copyright owners with limited protections, while encouraging the creation of new works for the benefit of society. For a limited time, photography copyright owners enjoy exclusive legal rights in their photographs and may be  entitled to seek  remedies such as damages and injunctive relief in the event of a photography copyright infringement. Copyright registration may affect the extent to which an owner is entitled to seek remedies. The public has certain rights, including the right to fair use of photographs, throughout the copyright life of each photograph. Eventually, photographs enter the public domain, for use by and for the public.  Models or subjects pictured in photographs may have the right to control the use of their likenesses under right of publicity laws and right of privacy laws. By signing a model release, a model may grant certain rights allowing the use of the model s likeness in a photograph. Where original photographic film is lost or damaged, the film may be evaluated or appraised, and a value may be estimated, based on a number of factors, including industry standards for liquidated damages, as may be memorialized in photography contracts or agreements between professional photographers and their clients. In the event of a breach of contract, the damaged party may be entitled to remedies. A photography expert can analyze a photograph using forensic methods to determine the circumstances under wh

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