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Hard Drivin

Controlling the cars There are two ways to control the cars: 1 // Get the cars to follow someone You can get the cars to start following a user, by sending a reply to @harddrivin, e.g.: @harddrivin...

drivin, project, kinetic, installation, created, twohig, benjamin, gaulon, brian, solon, title, piece, references, video, released, featured, first, polygon, driving, environment, involves, radio, controlled, physically, react, short, messages, popular, social, networking, twitter, placed, structure, inspired, polygonal, modeling, anyone, participate, telling, following, sending, simple, command, inside, tweet, media, archeology, exploration, hardware, hacking, practices, defined, erkki, huhtamo, study, cyclically, recurring, elements, motives, underlying, guiding, development, culture, excavation, discursive, traditions, formulations, imprinted, specific, machines, systems, different, historical, contexts, contributing, identity, terms, socially, ideologically, signification, control, someone, start, harddrivin, exchangedublinthen, random, direction, hashtag, respond, simultaneously, further, distance, twittercom, hard drivin, project hard, created ivan, ivan twohig, references hard, video game, game released, released game, game featured, installation involves, cars physically, networking site, site twitter, twitter cars, cars placed, telling cars, cars following, following user, user sending, archeology installation, installation exploration, practices media, archeology defined, development media, media culture, ways discursive, specific media, media machines, ideologically specific, specific webs, webs signification, control hard, ways control, control cars, cars cars, cars someone, cars start, start following, sending harddrivin, exchangedublinthen time, time user, user tweets, cars respond, respond hashtag, hashtag harddrivin, tweets hashtag, hashtag cars, cars simultaneously, tweet further, distance cars, http twittercom, twittercom harddrivin, project hard drivin, installation created ivan, created ivan twohig, ivan twohig benjamin, piece references hard, references hard drivin, video game released, game released game, released game featured, game featured first, installation involves radio, cars physically react, social networking site, networking site twitter, site twitter cars, twitter cars placed, participate telling cars, telling cars

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