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Ferran Cruixent, compositor ยท pianista

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ferran, cruixent, compositor, pianista, saarbrcken, germany, orquestra, estrena, encrrec, deutsche, radio, philharmonie, kaiserslautern, festival, musik, christoph, poppen, spain, dartifici, peter, sadlo, orquesta, sinfnica, principado, asturias, danail, rachev, hofer, symphoniker, jochen, rieder, wiesbaden, landesjugendsinfonieorchester, hessen, nicols, pasquet, beijing, symphony, orchestra, lihua, rottweil, quartet, internacional, msica, clssica, sommersprossen, elisa, goritzki, winfried, rademacher, deinhart, johannes, wolfgang, gttler, encantat, david, bauer, saarlndisches, toshiyuki, kamioka, weimar, cyborg, staatskapelle, barcelona, fundaci, seleccionat, msiques, temporada, klaus, schwrzler, heinz, steffens, urban, surround, ciutat, hannu, lintu, concert, yorgos, arguiriadis, carles, pirotecnia, percussion, rituals, claudio, estay, wpreutlingen, norichika, iimori, reutlingen, cambra, oriol, munich, ensemble, escenes, pacem, relinquo, vobis, capella, puericantores, santa, maria, symphonic, ulrich, nicolai, hochschulsymphonieorchester, martorell, soundtrack, bratislava, musical, jacqueline, kaess, farquet, theater, rejman, czech, national, praha, millors, estudis, superior, professor, piano, composici, menci, dhonor, premi, reinl, honor, catalunya, gran orquestra, philharmonie saarbrcken, saarbrcken kaiserslautern, neue musik, focs dartifici, germany focs, wiesbaden germany, sadlo landesjugendsinfonieorchester, rottweil germany, festival internacional, sommersprossen rottweil, ingo goritzki, deinhart goritzki, johannes goritzki, bosc encantat, wolfgang bauer, weimar germany, staatskapelle weimar, weimar christoph, karl heinz, barcelona urban, ciutat sona, sona fundaci, avui barcelona, nova percussion, sadlo wpreutlingen, sadlo perc, schwrzler perc, oriol cruixent, munich ferran, ensemble neue, capella msica, msica santa, symphonic orchestra, cond hochschulsymphonieorchester, joan carles, carles martorell, farquet soundtrack, jons rejman, rejman soundtrack, msica cambra, professor superior, composici clssica, musik munich, radio philharmonie saarbrcken, philharmonie saarbrcken kaiserslautern, focs dartifici peter, germany focs dartifici, wiesbaden germany focs,

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